GlimmersGlimmers: micro-moments of connection, safety, and positive engagement that can shift our nervous system's response from defense to calm.
These experiences activate the social engagement system, foster feelings of safety, trust and well being.
I want to invite you to close your eyes and think of a moment that you experienced a deep feeling of ease, happiness and joy. It was probably something “small”. A sunny afternoon with your loved ones. A hug from someone you had missed deeply. A piece of music that moves you to tears. The magnificent view after a long hike.
With this collection I wanted to created pieces that remind you to stop chasing the so-called big goals: a career, a perfect house, the holidays that have to give you complete relaxation. These pieces of jewelry accompany you like a little compass - reminding you of what matters. What you want as a guide in this life.
Everything is already here. It is about seeing it. Honoring the simple joys and moments of connection.